Saturday, February 26, 2011


Well things are going much better 1 week after our trauma. Jenna is pretty much recovering, she's still a little tired (but she was pretty much tired all the time anyway with three crazy little girls running around the house). We mostly were able to hold down the fort and keep things relatively tidy around here. We had some help with the girls being watched by people. The hardest part about that is that everyone wants to take 1 or 2 of the girls and watch them for us, which is a huge help, but it's really hard on them. They want/need to be around mom (and i believe me as well) and they need eachother. When they come back from being split up and away from us there is a lot of re-adjusting that has to take place and that can be so stressful and frustrating sometimes it almost doesn't even feel like it was worth it to have them sent away. That being said please if you are one of the people that we let Abby or Olivia go away with from time to time, continue to offer and we will continue to say yes, after all i did say almost.

So the good news, I spend the day at the department of health and social services in Bellingham yesterday (and i do mean the whole day) working through various applications for aid and medical care. I was able to show them our outstanding loans, our lack of money in bank accounts etc.... that combined with the medical bill qualified us for TANF (temporary assistance to needy families) in which they authorized medical care for 3 months for Jenna and the girls. This is huge because there is a funky little way that the state health care works in that care always starts on the first of a month until the 31st (or last day) of the month.

What that means is because I waited around and did all the applications and interviews yesterday (Feb 25th) they were able to process and approve our assistance yesterday. Which means that they retroactively give us coverage from February 1st, which means that Jenna is going to be insured for the hospitalization.

We want to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts, and gifts that they sent to help us. And specifically those who donated to help us with our medical bills, we will be able to cover most of the expenses now, obviously things are still very tight for us since the only way to qualify for TANF is if your expenses will bring your entire combined assets below $1,000. which is where we currently are right now. My job starts on Monday, which will help and we trust that God will continue to provide what we need (not everything we want). We want to again thanks everyone for their help but also there were many people who gave donations to us when we believed there was not going to be any type of coverage, i know many of you gave generously and someof you may not have had the money to spare and I want to return/pay back anyone that needs that money returned.

It's a tough position because we can really use the help and are appreciative, yet at the same time we do not want anyone to feel like they can't ask us to return their donation since our bills are more normalized now than we originally thought. Please let me know i believe that through the paypal site i can issue refunds within the next month or so, and it will happen automatically, please do not feel bad about asking for anything back. We appreciate your love and concern,

Gratefully yours,


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