Monday, February 21, 2011

More facts

So as inevitably seems to happen there were complications with life that altered my schedule and did not allow for me to wax philosophically about my experiences of the last few days. Though my experiences over the last few days have grown and continues, my ability to think and even function is being called seriously into jeopardy here.

Last time i posted Jenna was recovering from surgery....

everything seemed to be going fine they said that all went well and that she would need to rest for an hour and then if she could keep down fluids and walk to the bathroom they would be able to send her home .

fast forward 59 minutes and she is looking good, talking, keeping down some cranberry juice, and about to take the journey to the bathroom.

She walked down the hall with a little help from the tiny nurse (by tiny i mean probably when she lies to make herself taller she claims to be 5'5'') and she goes into the bathroom. The nurse needed to clean off the seat so Jenna is standing there waiting to sit down and begins to feel pretty light headed.... this is most likely because she lost about 3 pints of blood, and to my knowlege you only have about 5.

she's had 2 liter's of iv fluid put into her veigns over the past 3 hours so she has the illusion of being ok but her blood count (or whatever indicates your blood levels) had dropped 50% so her body went into shock. She blacked out in the BR and they called for me and they called for an emergency responder. Well i get in there and she's ok and they run a stretcher over to the door of the bathroom and we're trying to get her to walk to the stretcher.

She has her arms around my neck and we are facing eachother in a hugging position and walking (shuffling really, like a middle school slow dance) towards the stretcher. We get a couple of steps closer and she completely passes out again and is dead weight in my arms. The nurse can't do anything and the emergency responder has not responded to this emergency. I had to catch her and lift her into the stretcher.... which was extremely difficult because of my medical condition known as being a weakling....

adrenaline helps, and i get her into the bed. At this point her blood pressure drops so low that they won't let me look at the screen and turn the monitor tha ti'm looking at off so that we won't panic. Finally an ICU team gets there, and they push .5 liters of iv fluid into her veign in about 30 seconds to stabalize the blood pressure.

she is concious again at this point and sort of crying a bit just from shock. We all might have been, i'm kinda fuzzy on the details around that point. Anyway, we get back to semi-normal status over the next half-hour and the doctor who does the surgery comes back and checks on her. It's going to be an overnight for sure at this point and the transfer her to observation where she stays the night.

I was able to get home and check on the kids for a bit (thanks Dan and Helen for watching them) and then they went to their cousin's house around 3pm (thanks Jordan and Tricia for watching them). I go back to the hospital with Jenna for a bit, and then around 7 she's going to try to get some sleep and i'm going to try and do the same.

I go home. It was difficult to figure out what i should be doing, hard to sleep, hard to process, hard to do anything. I toss and turn and wander around the house for a bit, tidying up what's left of the chores (which isn't much thanks to Helen and Dan's cleanup party with the girls). And i fall asleep around 11.
6:30 rolls around and Abby is having a meltdown at the cousin's house so i get over there to pick up all the kids. We go get some breakfast and head back home.

Jacquie and Dan show up around 8:30 (thanks for watching them) and i get back to the hospital. They are "getting ready" to discharge and around 10:30 we get out of there and get back home.

Jenna is in bed sleeping now, the girls are starting to normalize a bit, still a lot of whining, fighting, and tired eyes around here, but for now we are recovering and getting things back to where they need to be.

we have had 3 sets of baby sitters (thanks again) and we have meals being brought on Mon (today) Tues, Wed, and Fri. John and Candice are coming to help out with the girls today, Jacquie and Dan are taking Olivia on Wednesday and Thursday. And Abby will probably go spend a night or two with Helen and Dan, or Mary later this week as well.

Lindsey and Josh are coming on Sunday and going to help out for 3 days or so next week when i have to go back to work.

So for now things are going along...

things you can pray for...

1) no infections
2) rest
3) peace for the girls, and some patience for the rest of us.
and 4) That we would figure out a way to pay for all of this because I am switching jobs right now and had these last 3 weeks off which leaves us unisured for this incredibly expensive incident. Hopefully we will be able to get some assitance, and things will start of strong with the new job.

again thanks for all the help and support, i'll try to keep updating here, this is the best way to get information thanks for not flooding the phone lines...



  1. We are praying for your family and for God's hand to keep you covered. Much love. -Shannon

  2. praying for health and provision. Hugs...Connie

  3. You know Billy, all these things happen when I leave Bellingham. Dan's surgery, my fathers episode, and now this. I'm praying so much for your family and especially Jenna. There is help out there for medical bills. I spent 5 days in the hospital in California and Catholic services stepped in and covered at least the hospital bill. Doctor's are another thing. Please know you're in my prayers, just be strong my man. GOD is with you.

  4. Look into Washington State pregnancy insurance. It is through DSHS and is covers the cost of any and all pregnancy related issues. I believe the income is based on the current situation and income, not the last year's or where you will be in a month. Here is their website to look it up. Also I believe you can apply online.'sHealth.htm

    Praying for you guys. I am sorry to hear all of this and we wish the best for you and your family.
