Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well insurance rules my life right now. Not only have i had a career in insurance for the last 2 years (supplemental not major medical) but now we have this un-insured situation due to my recent job change. Basically Combined, the company i worked for the since early 2009 and left in November for various reasons offered me my old job back. I accepted, since many of the reasons leading up to my resignation had changed making the situation better. The only problem was that their medical benefits are run through a 3rd party vendor, and that company does not allow immediate re-instatement of medical insurance, and there were going to be at least 60 days that i would not be able to have any medical coverage. Because i had only been working for Sterling Insurance for 88 days we were not able to get any coverage through them, or through COBRA either. This left us stuck with no insurance and not able to get any insurance for our family for the next 2 months. We applied for and were approved to purchase DSHS coverage for the girls for $40/mo each and have them covered which was the most important thing. Jenna was obviously the next thing to figure out because she was 12 weeks pregnant. We applied on Feb 1st for pregnancy medical coverage for her, and our application was still pending when her miscarraige happened.

We are still in the process of collecting the forms declaring what I am expected to make, and showing our bank accounts, records, and tax returns to DSHS for coverage.

The situation is such that we will most likely not be approved because i am not on unemployment, because Jenna is married and not a single mother, and because we cannot be classified as a "minority group." which would all help qualify us for her to get coverage.

It's still possible that our application gets approved, however it is unlikely that even if they approve us that they will back-date coverage to the day that we first applied and cover the hospitalization and surgery retro-actively. Most likely they will only approve coverage from the day that the application was approved, which is pointless and useless since Jenna is no longer pregnant now...

We're still hopefull, but in the meantime Candice Clem (my sister in law) has helped set up this fund where people can help us out with the incoming medical bills over the next few months. I've been overwhelmed at how quickly funds have started to come in and really appreciate it. I do not ask people to give, but many people have asked how they can help, and this is a huge way you can help.

We will not touch any of this money until we recieve both the medical bills from the hospital, and a final verdict from DSHS on what (if any) amount they will cover if we get coverage. In the event that we get coverage we will offer to either refund the donations as best as we can through the paypal website which tracks the donors and give a refund option, or if people give anonymously and we cannot refund them in the even t we are covered and paid for we will give whatever additional money has been donated to either someone else we know who is uninsured in a similar situation or to Mars Hill Church, where many of the people who have started to donate to us attend.

Thanks again for your help

here's the link...http://apps.facebook.com/fundrazr/activity/5ce65c12b121420ca0932e85cc5deb11?share=true

thanks again for your prayers and support,


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