Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love is in the air

Ah so it's valentine's day... love is in the air, people are walking around in a stupor, for those who are single, it's black saturday and a reminder of how alone there are everywhere they go... for those in the greeting card industry it's another payday invented to create and expectation of gifts, cards, flowers, diamonds, chocolate... etc...

Since the topic of the day whether you love it, hate it, or enjoy the capitalistic result of it, is love I thought that I would spend a few minutes examining what American's love (as of today). 

America loves music. Ipods, cd's, mp3 downloads (legal and illegal) and radio are immune to the effects of the economy (though my guess is that illegal downloads go up and legal go down when monies are tighter) and according to billboard this is what we love on valentines day 2009...

#1 album - The Fray, #1 single - Eminem: Crack a bottle #1 airplay - Beyonce: Single girls put a ring on, and #1 adult hit : Nickleback: gotta be somebody

I own none of these songs, but i think i've probably heard some of the songs off the fray album...

But perhaps I don't love music the way the rest of the country does... one of the other things that we love to love is movies...

Our #1 grossing box office movie as of last weekend was "he's just not that into you"
of the top 10 movies in america I have seen exactly 0....
But that's because i don't have a baby sitter at my disposal, nor the funds to watch theatre priced movies right now... so lets check dvd's...

The #1 movie rental is lakeview terrace (? is that the one where creepy Samuel L. Jackson lives next door?) and the #2 movie is Madagascar 2 (which i'm pretty sure went straight to dvd..)

Of the top 10 rentals i did see one of them this month; Max Payne (and it was not good, i much preffered Mark Wahlberg in his appearance on Saturday Night Live talking to animals which if you haven't seen  you should check out on HULU)

oh yeah, speaking of HULU (even though it was in an aside)... 

The top 5 videos that are rated the most popular all time on Hulu are
#1 - Craig fegustin PSA (i haven't seen it, and for the integrity of this post will not watch it till after I publish this blog..)
#2 - Family Guy 
#3 - Family Guy
#4 - SNL - Sarah Palin cold open with Tina Fey
#5 - Family Guy

America loves Family Guy and I must confess that I am a fan as well... I never did like it until this last year, I was much more a fan of the simpson's, i thought that the Simpson's was classier (seriously, it is) more intelligent, and overall written better. All those things are true but I would rather watch Family Guy, you know why? shock value, and it's funnier. The problem with saying that you would rather watch Simpsons because of class, writing, and intelligence, is that it only wins when compared to something in the same genre like south park, or Family Guy. But you aren't watching those shows because you crave intelligence, good writing, and class... if that's what you want you should watch Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (which by the way was cancelled halfway through it's first season because people don't care about intelligence, class, or writing) we are watching T.V. to be entertained, and we will watch the funniest, or the most entertaining, regardless of depth, or even content. If we wanted to think and be challenged the book stores and newpapers would be in the black, and the reality tv genre would be going down the toilet....

not the case.... (watch how I masterfully bring this back on topic now) .... since we LOVE our reality T.V. case-in-point

#1 highest  rated television program this week?
Wednesday's American Idol broadcast
#2 - this was a close second.... (drumroll.....)
Tuesday's American Idol broadcast

Now, partly this is my fault because i watched American Idol this week.... both days... but in m defense... 1- the only channel i get is fox, so it was that or nothing because the computer iuse isn't fast enough to watch streaming video online (hence my new blogging hobby) and 2- I don't have a job right now, the kids go to bed at 8 which is when Idol airs, and it's nice to just sit once the storm of child rearing has settled and be entertained.... 

So to recap...

we love - 
The fray, eminem, beyonce, nickelback, chick flicks, Samuel L Jackson, Anything that our kids will watch and give us 2 hours of peace (madagascar 2 - straight to dvd ), The family guy, and Reality television.

oh yeah, the number one news story clicked on this week according to Google was PenutCorp of america going bankrupt... and the number one videos of all time, and this week respectively on you tube are...
 Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend (they cheat btw) and "I"m on a boat" also cheating.

the #1 non-music video 
Jeff Dunham, Charlie bit my finger, and Laughing Baby.

Love is patient, Love is Kind, Just not in America...

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